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Edizioni Atlantic s.r.l.


The company Edizioni Atlantic S.r.l. was founded, in March 1980 with headquarters in Treviglio in Via Redipuglia 53/55, with the aim of producing periodic editorial publications often accompanied by gadgets.

From what is known, Edizioni Atlantic has published the "Collana Combat" and the "Collana Bellissima", semi-annual comic magazines attached to the Atlantic packs, a "Futurama" folding also initially attached to the Atlantic packs and a sticker album.

In the last years, after the "Atlantic Giocattoli S.p.A." ceases its activity in March 1988, the company "Edizioni Atlantic s.r.l." continues to market part of the products of "Atlantic Giocattoli S.p.A.", in blister packs, envelopes and newsstand packages, until the end of 1988, after which it also ceases its activity.


Collana Combat

Collana Bellissima

Futurama folding

Futurama album

Futurama stickers