1200 series second edition
The 1000 series
has been produced since June 1975 in a second graphic format, called the
"second edition", including all the catalog numbers from 1201 to 1215.
On the front of the packs
there is the Atlantic logo, the name of the subject on a colored
background according to the theme of the subject contained (blue for the
"Legends of the west", yellow for the "Heroes of the west" and red for
the "Indians of the west" "), the symbol of the theme contained and the
words" Far West Story ".
On the side edges there is
the Atlantic logo, the name of the subject, the words "Far West Story",
the scale and the catalog number.
On the upper and lower
edges there is the Atlantic logo, the name of the subject, the symbol of
the theme contained and the words "Far West Story".
On the back of
the packs there is a more or less complete list of the catalog numbers
of the series, the symbols that characterize them and historical notes
in four languages on the subject contained.